With 2010 coming to an end, it is the time to reflect upon the year that went by and jot some unforgeable memories. This would be a reflection and continuation of memories of 2009.
With a new job in hand it was time to push past sorrows to the corner and start moving my career. Kuan Aik Hong was a wonderful learning experience in my career. The work environ was just short of being worse. The company turned to be a family run business with 90% employees being family members. Nevertheless technically it was engrossing working with Autocad and also learning about the constructing buildings. Days lingered on with a mechanical life day in day out.
The Chinese New Year holidays in Feb were spent in Malaysia, which was my first tour outside Singapore with friends including Barath, Sathik, Sudharshan, Karthick, Mrinal, Ananth, Prakash and Ramanathan. The trip covered Kuala Lumpur, Genting and Taman Negara. Taman Negara was a place i will never forget in my life with its river-forest landscape. The boat rides and cave exploration were a stand out and one of the best experiences one can have in life.
Back to office after the trip it was once again a routine. Suddenly out of the blue came a unexpected jolt on March 12th- i was told to leave the company as they didnt have projects. It was a period where i was just beginning to start my career and it was as rude as it could get especially after waiting for 13 months for a job. I was able to come out of this phase very soon and kudos goes to just one person who supported me throughout. Thanks my dear.

With time of visa expiry nearing it was once again a race against time as was in December 2009 and once again an opportunity showed itself. This time it was Charles Prabu who came to my aid. I joined as a HR consultant in RK Herojit owned Synergy@HASK with a contract of 3 months. Hero was a person who is always cheerful, positive and extremely motivating. I like to offer my heartfelt thanks to both Hero and Charles for this opportunity which helped my get my Singapore Permanent residence. The date of my contract was due to
expire in August 17th.
It was 2yr and 8 months since i had left India and was eager to come back home for a
couple of weeks. With PR in hand and no job in hand i landed in chennai on 17th night and the two weeks were like a rat race with many things happening. One particular day stood out for sure. The marriage of my cousin was an event where everybody got together and i had a blast during the event. In between my home trip, as a surprise and due to some interviews, a job was confirmed and i was instructed to join on 1st September.

This time it was Sathik who informed me of such a vacancy and i approached Prof. Tseng King Jet and he confirmed my intake as a Project Officer in Energy Research Institute @ NTU. It was a job which i had dreamt of for its profile and the career path. Was assigned to work with Tan Yen Kheng in a collaboration project with Rolls Royce. Rejoicing the occasion and with a sure future in hand it was time yet again to stop worrying and start a new career.
September yet again was vacation time and a trip to Bintan, Indonesia was planned and it went off amazingly. The island with its hospitable people was a delight to watch and visit. Standing out were adventurous boat rides and crystal clear coastal sea. One thing which i would cherish was the water scooter ride in which i rode upto 5 KM into the sea. Back to singpaore and a routine life with a great job carried me joyously towards 2011.
I would like to thank all those who have been a part of such ups and downs in this year. Also thanks to my parents and dear for being with me. I look forward to 2011 being a year to cherish and move up in career and life.